Frequently Asked Questions about Giving to Reconciliation Ministry
Where Does The Offering Go?
The Reconciliation offering is divided in two parts with one half going back to the region from which it was received and one half going to the General Reconciliation Ministry administered by the Reconciliation Ministry Commission made up of volunteers from around our church body.
The regions choose the method of distributing the funds that remain within their own area. These programs vary widely between regions. Contact your region for a current listing of projects funded in your area.
The Reconciliation Ministry Commission receives, reviews and allocates funds for grant requests submitted by our general ministries, higher education institutions, regions and recognized ministries of the church whose proposals meet the grant guidelines. Congregational grant requests are to be submitted to their Region for funding.
Who Receives The Offering?
Each region divides the funds it receives in its own fashion to meet the needs as they are understood in that local area. For a list of the criteria for how money is spent in your region, contact your regional office.
Treasury Services in the Office of the General Minister and President (OGMP) receives and distributes this offering as part of their ministry.
Send your offerings to the OGMP Treasury Services and designate them for the Reconciliation Ministry Offering. You can send your offerings through online giving or you can send your offerings by mail to:
OGMP Treasury Services
Reconciliation Ministry Offering
P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-1986